Bidding is now open for the American Youth Horse Council’s online auction. All funds raised will support the AYHC Grant Program. You don’t have to be a member of AYHC to place a bid so we invite everyone to join in the fun!

About the AYHC Grant Program
“Each year the American Youth Horse Council selects worthy grant recipient(s) that directly involve youth and youth leaders in training programs within the horse industry. Our goal is to provide funding to help educate adult leaders and youth about horses through various programs that are developed by Universities, Equine Organizations, 4-H and Extension, Riding Stables and other equine programs. Collaboration is encouraged among these types of groups and it is exciting to see all the possibilities that are made available through the AYHC Grant program”, said Connie Jehlik, AYHC Grant Committee Chairperson.
If you are a member of AYHC, you are eligible to apply for this grant funding. Given the current economic climate these grants might be of great help to your organization for future educational programs.
If you are not a member of AYHC, now is a great time to become a member – we offer both individual and group memberships!
We are still accepting items as well, if you have something you want to contribute, use this link to upload details:
Use this link to view items and place your bids: (you will need to create an account to access the items) There are some beautiful and unique items that have been donated!
If you miss out on the item you wanted to bid on, or nothing is catching your eye but you want to donate for the good of the cause, click the “DONATE” button in the top right of your screen.
Feel free to share with your friends! Bidders don’t have to be AYHC members, everyone is welcome to join in the fun of bidding and getting some awesome items!