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Certified Horsemanship Association Driving Certification to be Held September 2022 in Idaho

The Certified Horsemanship Association (CHA) is hosting a Driving Instructor/Driver Certification at Swiftsure Ranch Therapeutic Equestrian Center in Bellevue, Idaho September 19 – 23, 2022.

This five‐day certification program is for driving instructors who teach group lessons in the camp or commercial driving school setting, and for recreational or commercial drivers. Certification includes single and team driving with multiple vehicle types. Both breast collar and collar harness are addressed. Certification involves teaching multiple lessons or doing skills demonstrations and a written test. There are presentations by the Certifiers in this clinic including Teaching Techniques for Driving, Risk Reduction, Passenger Safety in Loading and Unloading, Harness Fit and Adjustment, Road Driving, Emergency Procedures and Professionalism.

Certification may be earned at the following levels: Participants may be qualified in Single or Pair. Different levels may be achieved for Driving Instructor and Driver.

  • ASSISTANT DRIVING INSTRUCTOR/DRIVER: Minimum age 16. Qualified to assist a certified instructor or driver including grooming, harnessing, ground driving and heading.

  • LEVEL 1 DRIVING INSTRUCTOR/DRIVER: Minimum age 18. Qualified to teach/drive single and/or pairs recreationally on private property or in an arena. Must be able to hitch and unhitch, including fitting and adjusting harness, and be able to perform vehicle safety checks.

  • LEVEL 2 DRIVING INSTRUCTOR/DRIVER: Minimum age 18. Qualified to teach/drive single and/or pair on public streets or roadways. Must be able to correct horse behavior problems, select suitable driving horses, maintain lateral and longitudinal alignment, and utilize appropriate safety equipment. Knowledge of bits, hoof care and common health problems is required.

  • DRIVING INSTRUCTOR/DRIVER ASSISTANT CERTIFIER: Minimum age 21. Must be Level 2 for both Driving Instructor and Driver in both Single and Pairs and be recommended by both CHA Certifiers. An application process is required.

  • DRIVING INSTRUCTOR/DRIVER CERTIFIER: Minimum age 25. Qualified to conduct CHA Driving Instructor/Driver certification clinics and certify Driving Instructors and Drivers in cooperation with another CHA Driving Instructor/Driver certifier. Must complete an apprenticeship.

Click here to register for this certification today – Register Now

To find other CHA Certifications near you including Equine Facility Manager, English Western Instructor, Day Ride Trail Guide and many others visit –


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