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Horses and Humans Research Foundation Showcases Two Free Webinars in October

Chagrin Falls, OH- September 16, 2024- Horses and Humans Research Foundation (HHRF) is pleased to announce two free webinars in October 2024.  CEO, Dr. Pebbles Turbeville states, “The October webinars feature fantastic topics and speakers, offering valuable insights into the world of research. We’re proud that HHRF provides these webinars free of charge, helping to broaden understanding of horses and the vital role research plays in their well-being and our shared work.”  

The first webinar is on October 2, 2024 at 7:00pm (EST). Join HHRF as Dr. Andrew McLean examines the current landscape of equestrianism, and how we can leverage equitation science to foster a sustainable future by enhancing both horse welfare and performance. 

Dr. Andrew McLean is a well-known equine behaviorist and trainer, recognized for his work in improving horse training efficiency and welfare. He is particularly noted for his contributions to the understanding of equine behavior through scientific research and practical application, for which he has won Australia’s highest science award, the Eureka Prize for Science. 

Dr. McLean’s work is centered on enhancing the quality of life for horses by fostering a deeper understanding of their behavior cognition, and applying training principles that prioritize their well-being.

On October 16, 2024 at noon (EST) you won’t want to miss Laura Peterson presenting Children’s perceptions of animals in their social environment – implications for research and practice.

This webinar is rooted in a social constructivist paradigm and will explore the existing research pertaining to the unique ways in which children perceive animals in their social environment. There is growing interest in understanding how children’s perspectives of animals are different from those of adults. We review the current research in this area, how it applies to equine assisted services, and identify potential areas for future research. We will also explore how understanding child perception can influence practice. This will include a description of child centered techniques that providers can use to explore how their pediatric clients may understand their interactions with horses – which can be different from the providers observations of the same interaction.

Laura is executive director and clinician at Wild Irish Farm, an equine-facilitated psychotherapy (EFP) center that she founded in Newington, New Hampshire. Her innovative program helps children with mental health needs through a combination of individual or family psychotherapy and riding or interacting with the stable’s eight horses.

Recently, she began a pilot study at the farm to analyze the effectiveness of equine-assisted play therapy for seven- to eleven-year-olds with anxiety.

“Horses are motivating for children, yet they’re also a source of fear,” says Laura. “So we’re teaching kids how to understand them and to become more comfortable through different feedback mechanisms.”

To sign up for these webinars visit our website today! 

Contribute to HHRF today and help ensure that important research and education on horse-human interactions continues. For more information about HHRF and our team, visit the website or contact Dr. Pebbles Turbeville, CEO,

Mission: “Through sustained investment in rigorous research and educational initiatives, Horses and Humans Research Foundation serves as a catalyst to advance global knowledge of horse-human interactions and their impact on health and well-being of people, horses and other equines.” * such as Donkeys and Mules 


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